Friday, 18 January 2008

Week 2 - Response to Harmony's Blog

Perhaps a disagreement/pondering for Harmony. Her statement that Jesus would be approving of mass communiction "as long as it didn't hurt anyone" is intriguing. I can't help but think, "It is hurting someone." As a youth worker, I see kids' blindspot to media's negative influence. I'm NOT saying it's all bad (maybe that's what Harmony is saying too), but I think Jesus would have harsh "millstone-esque" words for some media purveyors. Is it OK to ask, "Has media made us dumb?" LONG paper could be written here - but I think Jesus would have issues with how we are being affected and hurt by the "system" - often subconsciously.


Unknown said...

Good thoughts here, I think you could expound upon some of these ideas in future posts/papers...

Chris Sikorowski said...

I responded to your response!